Advanced copies of my book

September 16, 2016 | 7 Comments

Last week I got the advanced copies of my book and I am really pleased with them. (BTW I’m trying very hard not to use the word excited in this sentence!)

The book is a handy size and the layout is lovely – clean and easy to read. Here is a photo of the UK and US editions and my A4 moleskine for reference.

It was a nice surprise that the American edition is flexibound – with a more robust binding and cover!

My hope that it will be a handy reference for lots of sketchers who want ideas for increasing their speed. And in fact as I am finishing off the content for the last two lessons of SketchingNow Buildings, I am already using it as a reference for myself! “Now, what did I say in my book? What were the 5 top tips on that subject?”

The book will be released in early October – you can read more about it here. |

If you are wondering about the differences between the book and the course:
The book contains a overview of many aspects of sketching architecture with lots of quick tips and with an emphasis on increasing your sketching speed. Buildings is an in-depth look at only few pages of this book and moves slowly. It has lots of video to explain the concepts clearly and you will be part of an incredibly inspiring group of fellow sketchers – all wanting to take their architecture sketching to the next level.

The two complement each other really well… but you have to hurry if you want to be part of SketchingNow Buildings as I will be closing the doors on Wednesday 21 September and will not be offering this content again for at least six months.


Note: The book links in this post are Amazon Affiliate links. If you do order my book from these links, I get a small commission from Amazon but there is no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support in this way.



  • Sabrina says:

    Oh, it’s great to know that the American edition is sturdier, better bound and lays flat! I just changed my pre-order from the cheaper (and earlier available) UK edition to the American edition just for that reason! Have to wait a little longer, but I think that’s worth the wait!

    • Liz Steel says:

      Hi Sabrina – I am REALLY excited about the better binding. I was wondering why both editions were appearing and why there was a price difference.

    • Jen says:

      Sabrina – where did you find the description of the difference? I’m not sure which I’ve ore-ordered – and whether I should change!

    • Jen says:

      It says above in black and white, doesn’t it. Leapt off the page at me the moment I hit ‘post’ 🙁

  • I had pre-ordered the UK edition, will now be changing to the US edition. I also much prefer the Notre Dame cover image. Thanks for letting us know the difference!

  • Karina says:

    It’s available in Canada too at I preordered mine!

  • Congratulations! The book looks great! I will be ordering the American edition asap. Well done!

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