Fun colours on a drab day

January 23, 2023 | 4 Comments

Even if it’s raining I still prefer to be outside sketching than staying home or going to a cafe.

There is really only one spot in my local area I can comfortably sit on a wet day (a taxi stand) and so it’s easy to get a bit bored with the views from it. But with my new fad of starting with non-realistic marker shapes, I have lots of new fun ideas to try.

So this particular sketch started with a yellow shape, a mint shape and a pale pink one. Can you see them in the finished sketch?

I enjoyed this sketch so much and have other combos that I want to try.

Here is a progress photo showing the shapes and coloured pencil marks just before I started painting.

Note: I added some white gouache to the sketch back home. It doesn’t scan that well but in real life the yellow details to the building are now more cream.


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