I finished this week at work on a high note (great way to start a weekend!) with the realisation that I am finally developing a technique of sketching for work.
Obviously, I have developed a Liz-way of sketching in my sketchbook, and although this was built on the foundation of my architectural working sketching (in developing a design) my ink and splashy washes do not transfer directly to the demands of work. It seems strange that what I am just so comfortable within my sketchbook just doesn’t work at work!
What is the difference?
Me sketching
quick spontaneous, not necessarily needing to be accurate and most importantly does NOT need to change. Once done, it is done.
Work sketching
There are two types that I am finding myself doing.
1. Quick design working sketches that I add colour to and are loose, rough but presentable to the client for concepts and ideas. Wet washes are not suitable for this as I am sketching non stop and would make a mess- I am also sketching on butter paper or yellowtrace.
2. More polished sketches, often based on computer 3D setups that need to be accurate, often are adjusted during the sketch as I am doing it for others in the office (and I don’t understand their design well enough!) or a week later after client feedback, often with various options and with people, cars trees etc (that I like to layer on afterwards…so can be removed if someone doesn’t like it… I got a comment on the girl that I put in a sketch this week)
… I will get to the explanation of this image eventually….
I do a lot of tracing, photocopying, layering and adjustments in photoshop and have therefore found that watercolour pencil are a great medium to use. The colouring part, is loose and rapid and with a very little water (on bond paper!) can become watery and even looser.
So… Finally…. here is a comparison of what I use for ME sketching and what I am currently using for WORK sketching. I am using watercolour sparingly on the bond paper- using spare pans and a waterbrush (I had using a waterbrush normally but at work it is perfect!) but mainly WC pencils and I am finally getting a specific collection that work well for my architecture work. Copic markers… I would love to use more of (and am really looking forward to Eduardo’s workshop in Santo Domingo in July)
Anyway….I have more to say but I won’t tonight…..stay tuned for some examples of my work sketches (the ones I did this week are still too hot off the press to be published here)
1 Comment
Great, I loved to read about your sketches and your work sketches, Liz!
Unfortunately I wont be going to Santo Domingo, but I'm sure everybody will learn and have lots of fun,
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