It’s time to catch up on my teacup sketches from the last few weeks. I hope to get back into sketching them more regularly, but right at the moment there is a lot of things happening in the background and I don’t feel as if I have a lot of sketching time.
I’m including the descriptions I wrote at the time on Instagram.
24. Turquoise Teacup
28 February: A teacup sketch on new paper (Seawhite Watercolour book) so I’m still getting used to it and working out how to get the results I want.
This is another from the Royal Albert 100 years set: 1930s Mint Deco. I made the colour of the cup to be pure Cobalt Turquoise Light but in fact it’s more of a blue hue – not very mint IMHO… but it’s a lovely cup regardless of what the exact shade of blue-green it is.

25. Poppy Teacup
10 March: A little time out this morning for a quiet moment and a cuppa tea. And of course a quick sketch!
This is the 1970s Poppy cup from my Royal Albert 100 years set.
I just love see what watercolour does when you allow washes to merge! Why try to control it????
26. Orange Cup
Yesterday: This might be the trickiest teacup in my collection to sketch. There is something about orange which makes it hard for me to use my normal wet in wet techniques. Adding my usual shadow washes over damp areas leads to murky brown. So every time I sketch this cup I try something new. Today I tried not to overthink it, so I put down the initial washes very loosely, waited for it to dry and then added some shadows over the top.
This my orange ‘Foundations’ cup. I bought this to celebrate the start of my first SketchingNow course in 2014. It’s rather ironic that the cup I bought for my Foundations course (the course designed for beginners) is so difficult to sketch.
I’m having a very full week this week even though I’m not leaving my home. So much going on behind the scenes and I wasn’t really in the mood for a calm teacup sketch today! So it was a real achievement for me to walk away after the first wash and let it dry.
Didn’t end up with quite what I was hoping for but I had fun and it was good to do some experimenting with different gel pens.
Next cup will be easier!
Click here to see the rest of my teacup collection.
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