Last week: Taking a line for a walk

January 18, 2016 | Leave your thoughts

I have really enjoyed my continuous line week as part of my Foundations Friday series.

Once again as I review the week a theme has emerged. Coffees, line drawings and a neutral palette for most of the week. And once again I am a little disappointed by the variety of subject matter – but hey, I won’t lose sleep over it. It is what it is – I sketch when I can and I have certainly hit the ground running this year with lots of exciting projects so don’t have a lot of free time to sketch.

I am still finding it weird to have such a coffee focus to my sketchbook (didn’t draw a teacup at all this week!) but I AM enjoying sketching my coffee every day and my cafe planning sessions. The white cup represents a hot day (temp reached 40C during the day) – my usual cafe gets the morning sun so I head to a different one with air conditioning if its a warm morning.

It is interesting to compare this continuous line sketch with what I did last week with my pencil. Hmm, should I do this view every week as part of my Foundations Friday challenge? It might be a little hard to read my notes about this sketch but at the time I wrote:

 I really sped up as I drew on the left side of the sketch AND was surprised at how accurate I was. Another reason* why continuous line is so good is because it makes you connect edges that belong to different planes in space (ah! my Edges course!) which helps ‘abstract shapes’. Fun to layer lines weights (Edges again) in this sketch!

*the first reason is that it is good to prevent hesitant lines as I mentioned in Friday’s post.

Here are all my pages in full – testing taking photos as opposed to scans. It is much quicker to take photos! Click on any images to view larger.

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