Here are two extremely rushed pages that I did yesterday to to catch up – I managed to get both done in 30 minutes during my lunchbreak but then add a bit more colour when I got home.
After yesterday’s pathetic effort I thought I would TRY to be a little more careful – but once again a bit too tired to do it justice.
But…. tomorrow I will be in my element- draw your dinner!
This is part of the Everyday in May challenge – drawing something every day
in May. A group of us thought it would be fun to do a Everyday Matters (EDM)
challenge each day using EDM 1-31. The list is here
The Group that is going to give this a go (so far… let me know if you want to join in and be added to the list)
Me (obviously) flickr or blog
Alissa flickr
Wendy (QuirkyArtist) flickr or blog
Jennifer Blog flickr
Sandy blog or flickr
TravellingSueP blog
Deborah blog
Margaret blog
Anna blog
Marthann blog
Yasemin blog
Carol blog
Anita blog flickr
Matthew flickr
Johanna blog
Sandra blog
Tyanne flickr
PrettyArtyBuildings blog
Maureen flickr
AJoyfulmoc flickr
LuxdLux flickr
Speck blog flickr
Claire blog
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