A short outing to the city

February 15, 2023 | 4 Comments

As I mentioned in my monthly newsletter that went out last week, I didn’t manage a single sketching outing during January. That is very out of character but as I’m having so much fun with my local sketching these days it wasn’t a big deal.

However, last week I did manage to get out to the City for a few hours sketching (between 3-5 pm). It felt so good to be surrounded by people and sketching larger scenes/buildings and do a number of sketches back-to-back during a two-hour period.


I started with a tearoom visit as it was too hot and humid outside! And then a quick line drawing of St James showing the elaborate flower boxes that are filling the forecourt area.
Next, I tackled the side view of St Mary’s cathedral…

and then finally did a quick sketch of the Hyde Park Barracks.

It was a fun sketching session and a good opportunity to create some spontaneous ‘open compositions’ on location as part of my Sketchbook Design course.


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