Town Hall Sketching

October 14, 2011 | Leave your thoughts

I was in town yesterday afternoon and had a chance to do some more sketching of the Town Hall – which is one of the most complicated buildings in Sydney. While not Baroque it is in the grand Victorian Second Empire style and reminds me of sketching the Louvre.

I was intending to do a more detail study of the architectural features since it is very complex but in the end decided to do a quick perspective sketch. After an amazing discussion on my flickr this week, one would think that I would try to put into practice the technique we were discussing… but no, I was too lazy!!

If you are interested the discussion was about how to draw perspective when the vanishing point is off the page (it gets a little complicated so not for the faint hearted) However, the discussion prompted Gerard to share a magic trick of his- so make sure you check that one out!

I was surprised to find the square adjacent to the town hall (Sydney Square) filled with colourful deck chairs. It is part of a project called Chairs in Squares which aims to encourage people to take time out, mingle and relax in underused public spaces.Having movable comfortable chairs is not something that is normally found in Sydney- this too reminds me of Paris and those great green reclining chairs scattered through the parks.

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