PMQ2024: The social times begin!

December 16, 2024 | 4 Comments

After a few quiet days, my time at Port Macquarie started to become very social. My friend V works Monday through Wednesday, so the end of the week was all about spending time with her. I also caught up with M (my sister’s best friend from childhood), who is my friend too and who sketches!

I still managed to fit in some solo beach sketching sessions into each day – despite a bit of rain!


I started with a solo sketching session at Shellys.

I had 10 minutes before I had to leave and meet V for brunch. What could I do in that time?

I then had a lovely brunch with V at Coast (Lighthouse Beach). Another smashed avo, and I added the view of the lighthouse that we had from our table.

A quiet afternoon… I ended up doing some fun Posca sketches of items from my Airbnb and…

…I  went back to Flynns beach! It was raining so I sketched from my car again. And once again sketched the southern end of the beach. But this time I started with some loose purple shapes which I layered over.


A really fun dinner with V and her friends. It’s always great to hang out with the gang and the food was great.

Note: ‘Yum’ in all caps, with an exclamation mark and underline is a sign of a really good meal!

My sketchbook did the rounds of the kitchen.

I ended up doing a mini watercolour lesson for B and L

and then did some blind contour drawings. 


Another day, another morning visit to Shelly. I intentionally left no white space on the page for this sketch, and it felt ‘wrong’ to rely on opaque white for the waves.

Morning tea with V at Little Shack with a view of the Hastings River. 

Another quiet afternoon where I ended up at Flynns. A loose mostly watercolour sketch…

…followed by a Posca one.

I had a lovely evening with M and her friend F at some Friday night markets. While waiting for my dinner, I managed a quick sketch (standing up).

Two great days! My sketchbook was still dominated by beaches and cafes, but I was about to sketch some different types of subjects. So stay tuned for that!



  • Yvonne Carpenter says:

    Liz, you never seize to amaze me – you are so productive, even during trips! Your “employers” must have loved you when you were working as an architect, lol! I absolutely love your landscape sketches, and the others too, of course, but you have never sketched this many landscapes before! Quite a treat to see the sketches and try to “reverse engineer” them. The one you used opaque white for the foam/splash on the waves looks great, i hope one day you expand on that “feeling” of being “wrong”! I think it would have been quite hard, if not impossible, to negative paint around the foam/splash, but obviously i am not a watercolor painter…maybe they have a trick for that! Anyway, I am sensing a new course brewing… “LANDSCAPES”! I am in!!

  • Ginie Udy says:

    Liz it is so inspiring seeing your explorations and use of more opaque media together with a bit of watercolour here and there I think. I love all your Shelly beach scenes and the last one of Flynn’s beach, that is mostly watercolour. The sky and the sea are both mesmerising in all these in particular, and so are the rocks!

    You mention liking a particular size Posca, what size is that?

  • Jamie C says:

    A full size beach scene in 10 minutes?! Can that be made into a demo for the travel sketching class! Lol! My mind is boggled. I also am always so amazed at how pretty Australian food is from your cafes! These beach scenes are coming alive! I can practically hear the waves!

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