I’ve been getting numerous comments on Instagram from people assuming that I’m using a lot of Buff Titanium. I’m not!!!
I do use it a little Buff but… sharing my big secret here… my main way of capturing the Umbrian stone is a mix of these three colours with a lot of water.
I’m currently testing Roman Szmal’s Aquarius paints so have written my usual DS colours as well. This mix gives me much more colourful and granulating and separating washes than I get with just using buff.
And of course I have to throw some Potter’s Pink into the mix as well! 🙂
Are you a big Buff user? Have you ever tried to mix a similar colour from other paints in your palette?
I live in the Cotswold Hills in England and Buff Titanium is exactly the right base colour for the stone here. Mix with a touch of burnt siena for north Cotswold honey coloured stone and ultramarine for older south Cotswold stone. Brilliant colour.
I have tried to use Buff Titanium in mixtures for various “natural surfaces” such as rocks, building stone and for sandy ground colors. But each time either using Buff alone or in mixture it lacks a certain character. I will give your mixture ideas. Thanks. I have used DS bronzite genuine in mixtures and it gives a lively sparkle especially for sandy ground or some building stones.
I’ve been trying to achieve more transparent, and buff is a little too opaque for me. I will try this mix. Thank you!
I hope it works for you Chris. It’s so much nicer than Buff IMHO!
I was going to go and purchase some Buff Titanium but after trying your “recipe” and liking the results, I m going to give this a go first. Thank you for sharing.
I’m ready to give up my Buff. Which was a favorite. Now I’m using Potters Pink and Raw Sienna and French UM Blue. A bit cooler than Umbrian Stone. I’m calling it Tavira Stone
Ah! very nice Jay!!!!
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