Ash Cloud disruption and a work trip to Melbourne

June 22, 2011 | Leave your thoughts

I have just returned home a day later from a work trip to Melbourne…I now have an volcanic ash cloud tale to tell like many others. We had to drive home (10 hours in an outrageously priced uncomfortable rental car) …Tuesday night 7pm – 12.30am and this morning 8am – 1.30pm … and then a productive afternoon in the office!

Naturally I wanted to sketch a bit but it was a real PUSH – I was fighting off a number of headaches, generally exhausted due to not enough sleep and a touch of anxiety in anticipation of the big presentation…but most challenging(!?) was the fact that the purpose for the trip was WORK not a Liz-sketching holiday (so I couldn’t just stop whenever I wanted for a few minutes to do a wee sketch!!!)

However… I got a few extremely loose scribbled lines and then tried to get the colour on later… so although not really pleased with the sketches, I am pleased that I did manage to sketch at all!

Good trip training no doubt…though I expect my up-coming trip will be a touch more relaxed! Honestly!!!! I am not planning to drive all over the countryside like I normally do!

Just for the record – I LOVE Melbourne and would be very happy if this project came off and I got to work there for a bit (guess who would spend every Saturday on the streets sketching the architecture and looking for good tearooms…. I know it is a coffee place but I am sure they would do good tea too!)

My sketches from the long ride home. A motel room in Gundagai (my Dad organised it for us as our phone batteries were low), view from the car, and view from a lovely General Store and Cafe in Exeter.

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