Over the past few months I have been randomly tagging interesting things in a number of books and websites. Tonight I am translating those tags into consolidated maps. I have gone through the guide to contemporary architecture and marked up all the Gehry, Nouvel Tschumi etc etc. now I am going through my tags from the 1001 best things to do in NYC. (just flicking through this was the best background reading I have done)
The AIA guide is a joke – brilliant info but how could anyone carry that weight so it is reference material when I get home.
The 500 buildings book I am going to go through and flag the most sketchable (over the top architecture!!)
Standard tourists things are easy!!!
Btw the first thing I listed on my maps was ….. Yes you guessed it…. My list of interesting sounding tearooms.
Of course I WANTED to draw my maps like I did for Santo Domingo but… Impossible … So google to the rescue!!!
Ah!! Travelling is hard work to get the most out of it. But lots of fun!!!!
One of my favorite spots in NYC is a strange one…the temple of Dendur which is inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art.http://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&q=temple+dendur+met&oq=temple+dend&gs_l=img.1.2.0j0i24l2j0i5i24.1949.4402.0.7296.…0.0.WxYjrBRScKU&biw=1291&bih=764&sei=003sT9OdAa-N6QHUrImvBQ
It is such a calm beautiful setting which is a nice break from the frenetic NYC vibe.
Tea rooms? Good luck with that – I nearly had tea withdrawal while I was there . . . . one of the nicest place I did find tea was in the cloisters. Lovely place, horrid tea.
(p.s. The Pen Hospital was great for pen-geeks )
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