As you all know a few weeks I ago I was in Tasmania preparing for a very exciting workshop which I am very pleased to announce right now…
Travel Sketching Launceston – Wednesday 07- Friday 09 October
Developed in partnership with TwoFourTwo Boutique Apartments
This workshop is my first travel sketching workshop designed as a holiday/vacation, staying in lovely accommodation and getting to explore and record the city of Launceston. I have been working with locals who have been in the tourism industry for years and really know the best that Launceston has to offer – this is what I am incorporating into the workshop alongside the art instruction.
Over the three days, I will be sharing my top techniques for sketching in a limited time frame, for recording anything that catches our eye – quickly and confidently. In many ways it is the Foundations Course put into action in a travel context. I am very excited about it and am in the process of developing a number of fun exercises that will suit people with any level of experience!
The workshop will include the following:
- Each morning will be devoted to explanation and demonstration of these essential strategies through a number of specific exercises
- The afternoon sessions will allow for free sketching, applying the morning ideas to whatever captures our attention
- The exercises will be targeted at developing core drawing skills and using a range of materials. Using edges, shapes and volumes for a range of subjects – simple objects, details, buildings, street scenes and landscapes.
- Quality group and one-on-one tuition tailored to each individual’s styles and level of experience. (Extensive handouts will be given as part of workshop.)
- Expert architectural sketching instruction both for drawing iconic buildings and also gaining an understanding of ‘place’ and how to capture the essence of the centre of Launceston.
- Historical background from an experienced local tour guide that is specifically related to what we see and want to draw – the more we understand what we are looking at, the better we can draw it.
- Lots of tips for how to sketch in a limited time frame and strategies for when we are with non-sketching travel companions – how to see opportunities and make the most of them!
The goal is to provide a richer experience of visiting Launceston – through sketching we can gain a deeper understanding and sense of place and our memories will be recorded in an unforgettable way on the page.
Tasmania is my favourite location in Australia to visit and October is a great time of the year. I know a lot of you live a long way away, but if you are thinking of a trip to Australia, it would be great to time your visit so you could attend the workshop. That would be so exciting!!!!
Read more here.
In the coming days, I will be doing a series of posts with more details explaining why I love Launceston so much (the architecture, the food and the nearby wilderness!) and more about the concepts we will be exploring in the workshop.
Here is a collection of ‘hero shots’ from my few days roaming the streets of ‘Lonnie’ (as the locals call it – BTW even the captain of the plane said when we landed “welcome to Lonnie”).
You can see that it is a VERY sketchable city! Oh! for the record the middle ‘latte in the sun’ photo is from the great Cafe Mondello adjacent to TwoFourTwo.
And guess what – you will get a kit given to you as part of the workshop. This is what will be provided to all participants but feel free to bring your own watercolour kit or any other favourite drawing tools. The full supply list will be forwarded separately.
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