EDM 04 in EDiM A mug

May 4, 2010 | 3 Comments

Out of character?

My initial idea for May was to try to find complete new subjects that I don’t normally draw… But then I thought of the EDM challenges and how much fun it would be.

Well today’s challenge is HARDLY different for me.

Funny how things change when you are doing a daily challenge , because sometimes the priority to get it done early in the day takes over your initial plan for that day. I had planned to draw one of my cups from my parents 20th wedding anniversary tea set…instead I found something quite different! Not 100% sure why it is sitting in my work drawer – certainly not something I use very often – ever in fact! I wonder what happened to the friend that gave it to me for a 21st birthday present… He was hardly my best friend at the time (or after?)

I am just so NOT a practical joke person!

If I have time I might still draw my initial idea since I have borrowed one for the purpose.

This is part of the Everyday in May challenge – drawing something every day
in May. A group of us thought it would be fun to do a Everyday Matters (EDM)
challenge each day using EDM 1-31. The list is here
The Group that is going to give this a go (so far… let me know if you want to join in and be added to the list)
Me (obviously) flickr or blog
Alissa flickr
Wendy (QuirkyArtist) flickr or blog
Jennifer Blog flickr
Sandy blog or flickr
TravellingSueP blog
Deborah blog
Margaret blog
Anna blog
Marthann blog
Yasemin blog
Carol blog
Anita blog flickr
Matthew flickr
Johanna blog
Sandra blog
Tyanne flickr
PrettyArtyBuildings blog
Maureen flickr
AJoyfulmoc flickr
Dafong flickr


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