The other sketching days I had during my virtual visit to Rome included what I’m calling “The Ultimate Day in Rome by Benedetta Dossi” on Thursday and a little bit of craziness on Saturday morning before heading to Umbria.
During last summer here in Sydney I had two wonderful days with Benedetta who was visiting Australia (that seems like ages ago now) and I was looking forward to hanging out with her in Rome during my trip this year. So instead she created a massive programme for me to work through while pretending we were hanging out! I had hoped to spend most of the day going through the route but some SketchingNow tech issues meant I only had a few hours and it felt scattered as my mind was elsewhere. So I only made it through halfway! I do hope to return to it in a few weeks time, when I get back to Rome.
However what I did get done was enough to make me appreciate how wonderful it is to go through someone else’s suggestions of places to visit and sketch. Not surprisingly, there was a much greater variety in subject matter! When I’m on my own, I do have a tendency to indulge in some serious architectural history sketching, don’t I? I just can’t help it as that is where my special interest lies. Thanks Ben for such an incredible detailed plan for me to follow.
Saturday Morning
When I woke up on Saturday morning, my last morning in Rome, I realised that there were so many places I hadn’t sketched and I was thinking about doing a big push to get a few of these done. However once again, real work interfered, and I only had a little over an hour for my sketching. It was really interesting that half way through my sketching session I lost interest and just felt like heading to Umbria. This is a real feeling that you get sometimes when traveling from place to place and so that was fun. And then when I arrived in Umbria I felt great and able to slow my pace.
So once again, I’m surprised by how real this virtual trip is feeling for me!
Anyway… here are my pages. Click on them to see at a larger size.
Thursday: The Ultimate Day in Rome by Benedetta Dossi
Saturday morning: Last few hours in Rome
Saturday afternoon: Arriving in Montone, Umbria
Rome has been a lot of fun… but oh! it’s super special to be back in Montone – even if it’s just virtually!
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