Working very wet mainly with a squirrel brush… (do you have any idea how much water someone who doesn’t have a feel for a squirrel brush can manage to get into a single load of the brush… totally out of control)
Two things influenced this spread in my sketchbook
1. I got a new exciting book today. Realistic Abstracts. This sketch is more an emotive reaction to a quick flick through the book rather than a response after absorbing a new concept from it (if that makes sense.) It is a “I want to achieve the results from the book- lets just try to unthinkingly splash some paint around without actually reading anything of the book!)
2. Last week when I was sick I re-read Dave Fox’s Globejotting and it gave me a few ideas for my writing. So the notes on the side are made up of condensed phrases. I really like this idea – can write more in less room and it is fun to see if I can remember what they all mean. Not to mention that the wonderful quirky juxtapositions of thoughts are crazy!
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