Due to popular demand… Here is my collection of current fountain pens. Last nights photo (of felt pens) was fairly boring to me – I would be happy to give all those pens away but this collection …no way!
These are my babies! I am not a fountain pen junkie – ie. I am not rushing out trying EVERY brand…. a Lamy junkie would be more accurate. I do love Lamy pens!!
But most importantly I would ALWAYS choose to draw and write in ink if I could. I love the flow of ink across the page and I love the way that it makes my handwriting look neater!
Ok… From L to R
- My new and my old Lamy Joy (old style) pen with EF nib (Noodlers black ink) This old style is no longer available in Australia so I was very excited in July 2011 to find an old-style pen for sale in Newcastle upon Tyne in UK. The reason I bought a NEW (old style) pen was because I had worn the old pen out and the lid would not stay on. I have since fixed this (in true Liz-hack-style) by- putting a little bit of superglue around the inside of the lid – just enough to create adequate friction.
- Yellow Lamy safari containing my noodlers polar brown ink (hmm… They don’t do a brown safari!)
- Red Lamy Safari with Noodlers Widow Maker ink (this was a moment of weakness at Xmas time… I didn’t need this but wanted at souvenir from a wonderful stationery shop in Leura)
- Lamy Vista (clear safari) with Noodlers Polar Blue ink (love this!)
- New style Lamy joy pen with a GOLD ef nib. The new style joy is a fraction heavier than the old style… I prefer the old black and red to have in my hand. This nib is lovely but I am afraid to take it out on location (the nib cost 2 x the price of the pen)
- Pilot Parallel Pen in 1.8mm (I also have the 3,5mm size!) Thanks to Josu for this extravagent purchase (It was cheap though!)
- Noodlers Flex Pen with Lexington Grey ink… Never really warmed to this and it leaked on the plane once.
- Rotring Art Pen – I use this at work. It is even lighter than the Lamy Joy (old style) but for some reason I don’t like writing with it…
- Fancy Lamy pen that I bought in the early days to hold my gold nib… But it is too heavy so has a calligraphy nib now.
It's always so fascinating to see someone else's collection of pens. Seeing those Rapidographs is like going back in time to my days as a graphic design student (pre computers, of course!). I will have to try a Lamy pen one of these days.
Thank you for continuing to share your pens and paints, Liz. I’m with Shari – it is fascinating to see. I love those Pilot parallel pens! I’m a lefty, and I’ve just ordered a set of left-handed Pilot Parallel pens from http://johnnealbooks.com (they have several custom grinds of the parallel pen). I’ll be interested to see if I like them any better.
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