After last’s week article about starting a new sketchbook and how I hoped that it would get me out of a non-sketching rut, I thought I would share a video flip-through of the last three weeks’ worth of sketches. It’s fun to compare my output for the three weeks.
It’s fun to compare my output for the three weeks.
If you can’t see the embedded email – click here.
Week 1 and 2 were in the end of Sketchbook #101 – a Stillman & Birn 8 x 10 Softcover Alpha. Week 3 was in the start of Sketchbook #102 – an Alpha 9 x 6 hardcover.
All three weeks were very intense in terms of workload, but somehow the smaller book invited me to sketch more. I’m feeling good about that!
I am still in ‘hustle’ mode related to the re-launch of SketchingNow Buildings, so I don’t have time to write anything more today. So if you have any questions about the sketches in these pages, please fire away! I will share a few of them as individual articles down the track.
Ok, time to get back to my to-do list. Getting an online course up online is a mammoth project and at times it seems neverending… ah! but I love it, and am super excited to have people working through the material in Buildings again!
Every time I think of getting into a long-term exclusive relationship with the S&B Beta for it’s heavier paper, my heart protests, “But you are in love with the 9 x 6 Alpha”. When I fill up a 9 x 6 Alpha, I reorder another immediately while I play hanky panky with an 8 x 5 Beta. So, what does that make me – a two-timing sketchbook lover?????
Liz, while I would not diminish your feelings about the new sketchbook, I would want to consider that the timing might be critical here too. Your trip to North America was very busy and intense, and it might be that the new sketchbook appeared around the time you were beginning to recover, and thusnwasnalso catalyst for new work.
Thanks Sheila… very good point and its got me thinking.
I am normally sketch-energized when I come back from a trip and don’t need much time to get back into normal life. While it has some impact for the first week I have little jet lag. So I have never thought that trip tiredness plays a factor.
However, your comment has made me reaslise that the intensity of my workload in week 2 was the main factor for the incomplete pages (non stop crazy crazy workload) and week 3 was pretty crazy too. the really interesting thing is that during week 3 I was the most tired I have been since getting home. Somehow the new book made me carve out time… and got me sketching despite the tiredness. It gave me a release. So it seems that tiredness is not that much of a factor for sketching for me. thanks for making me think through this!
As a beginner, my sketches have been thumbnails essentially. The largest format was 5×7. Then i picked up the 8×10 Alpha. I was intimidated by the size and drew lines across the page doing only half or quarter sizes (and still doing). But there have been instances of full page and even 2 full page spreads! The larger sizes take more time and concentration to do than the thumbnails. I have even shyed away from larger complex spreads because of the time factor committment.
Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that its easier and faster to fill a smaller size than a larger size. There is satisfaction in all sizes. So dont feel that the 8×10 is not for you at this time. Perhaps it is a challenge for another time.
thanks Iris – yes definitely a smaller book is easier to use than a larger one. And things go in cycles too! Would be too boring if everything suited us perfectly all the time hey?
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