Recent Teacups: Coloured pencils and watercolour

July 27, 2022 | 5 Comments

Last month I painted a heap of watercolour teacups to finish off the 30×30 Direct Watercolour challenge and back in April/May I had fun doing some CP teacups. So finally, in the last week or so I’ve gotten around to experimenting with coloured pencils (CPs) and watercolour! 

Choosing the right teacup for these experiments is key – a pattern with lots of different colours but not too hard. Sometimes the results are not what I was intending at the start but I simply adjust mid-sketch and do something different (eg. add ink or white gel pen).

Direct watercolour is still my preferred way to sketch teacups but it’s always fun to try new things!

As mentioned in previous articles there are a lot of variables to balance when combining CPs and watercolour and I know that this is helping my watercolour. I have to be super intentional about the consistency of water and pigment in my washes and also careful with every stroke so that I achieve the right amount of ‘resist’ from the CPs.

BTW I talked about this and did a mini demo in the final Livestream from Watercolour that I hosted this morning. If you have enrolled in my Watercolour course at any time you can see the replay in Section R207.

Without any further ado, here are all my recent teacup sketches. Enjoy!




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