I have a huge illustration job ahead of me today so it is important that I warmup – isn’t it. It does feel a little at times that this is just putting it off and indulging in some “me-time” (I don’t that time since I was thinking about others and far bigger things than just me when I was doing this) but it IS important I get my creative juices pumping and my hand warmed up. I really enjoyed doing this… was experimenting with some ideas I have seen from DVDs of Charles Reid and Shirley Trevena in recent weeks … in particular the handling of my brush and the spontaneous way the page evolved.
Was NOT going to draw a cup of tea… but somehow tea got in there – a container of Green Tea Mints (a gift from a lovely tea drinker in Ohio that I have never met – thanks Alyssa!!!)
Maybe the blogging and scan is extra time that I should be using to work…but for me, the scanning and the sharing of my work is part of the process, part of the experience, and gets the creative dialogue engaging as well. Ok…Now to work!
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