My current Neocolor II selection

January 17, 2025 | 3 Comments

I’ve been using Neocolor II (water-soluble wax crayons by Caran D’ache) for a few years now, but I don’t think I’ve ever documented the colours I’m using. I haven’t changed this selection much in the past year except for adding Periwinkle Blue when the jacarandas were out and Scarlet during my Port Macquarie trip as I was sketching so much food.

I love using Neocolors because they are so soft and creamy and can be used dry or wet. They can be added over watercolour for a little pop of colour (which is how many people use them) but I like experimenting with them under watercolour for texture and complex colour.

Neocolors are so yummy and fun to use! I love them!

I carry my Neocolors in a little plastic box. As you can see pigment gets everywhere but it has never affected my use of the crayons or the vibrancy of the colour..

I break my Neocolors in half – this means that I can carry around twice as many. But I also think it’s a good thing to do, so I always use them with an overhand grip (which is good for looseness).

Here is the full listing of colours:

001 White
011 Pale Yellow
240 Lemon Yellow
521 Sahara Yellow
042 Flesh
033 Golden Ochre
051 Salmon
071 Salmon Pink
052 Saffron
070 Scarlet
131 Periwinkle Blue
149 Night Blue
141 Sky Blue
161 Light Blue
661 Light Cobalt Blue (Hue)
201 Veronese Green
231 Lime Green
225 Moss Green
249 Dark Olive
045 Van Dyke Brown
508 Paynes’ Grey
403 Beige
003 Light Grey

And I have two Neocolor I: White and Light Cobalt Blue.

My favourite two colours? Sahara Yellow and Light Cobalt Blue.


Check out my sketches using Neocolors here.


  • Dawn says:

    I don’t know why I never thought to break them in half, it would definitely aid in ensuring I use overhand – what a great idea! I love hearing how other people use their tools, teaching me how to think out of the box with things I have used for years! You never fail to amaze me, Liz, thank you!

  • Jamie C says:

    I got some Neocolors II for Christmas but I haven’t tried them yet! You make them look so fun! Next sketchbook (I’m only five spreads away from a new book) I may experiment more! Love that scarlet shade!

  • Martine says:

    I love NCII’s, now I want to run to the store and buy some more, seeing your colour chart 😉

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