Here is a crazy sketch of the layout of my studio (the architect in me is shuddering!)
A few comments
1. I am still in the process of setting it up and there are boxes and boxes and boxes at the other end of the house that I must sort through.
2. As mentioned above the best thing I did was swap computer and my painting desk (was B0 size drafting machine which we cut down) not only is painting central but it opened up the west facing window which I used to block because of sun when I was on my computer. My drawing board used to be a collector of stuff and not usable
3. Today I am working mad preparing for all the different things I will be doing in Tassie and the amount of layout space I had is truly wonderful – piles of paper and sketchbooks and art supplies everywhere but controllable.
4. Still sorting out my storage of all my goodies
5. Need paintings on the walls – it is all white and clean now
6. I love my comfy corner chair – I am able to sit in it and with my wireless keyboard catch up on typing with appropriate support and heat for my neck
7. I love having an my art books and sketchbooks together on one wall of shelving
Back to work…..
But first…
In other news… yesterday I was on ABC Hobart radio at 2.30pm!! An unexpected email at 11am made for an exciting afternoon! A 10 minute interview about the upcoming USK events I am organising in Tassie. Not sure if there is an online version of it but of course will let you know if it appears.
Also I am have been testing the new moleskine paper – it has changed and is not as good (IMO) I will do a full review but there are active discussions on my facebook.
As always, I love the journal page, and the colors are those soothing blues and greens that I always love. Love the perspective of your studio space sketch! Looks like you have a ton of stuff in there but it is all organized to work!
Dear Liz – I just discovered your wonderful blog…your sketchbook pages are so delightful and I enjoyed not only the art but reading about your day to day life. Your studio looks like a great place to create. Also read "About Me"…so nice to know someone else starts their day with reading God's word – wouldn't surprise me if you keep a prayer journal as well. I will be stopping back often to visit. Thanks for sharing.
thanks so much Debbie- so lovely to have you along… and especially that you too start the day with Gods word!
I have kept a prayer journal separately but need to see if there is a way to integrate it into a private section of my daily sketchbook – you have got me thinking! THanks!!!!
thanks Sherry – I lied that colour scheme too. I am in the process of being organised. The problem is that I still have a lot of stuff to sort and decide whether it stays or goes.
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